If you have ever been in a hospital, you know that ice machines are a vital part of keeping patients and hospital employees hydrated and making ice readily available for use in healing. From wound care to physical therapy to hydration and food services, ice machines are an integral part of hospitals. On average, hospitals require about 10 pounds of ice per patient, per day! For this reason it is vital that ice machines in hospitals work correctly and are able to produce the amount of ice that is necessary. SPECS Refrigeration works hard to ensure that hospitals in Lubbock are well equipped with ice machines.


A good choice for hospital use is a modular or stackable ice maker. These are best used in combination with countertop ice dispensers, which can be manually filled and put in places that are easily accessible for nurses, doctors, anesthesiologists, physical therapists, and more. In most hospitals, the most popular choice is an ice maker that produces the commercial “nugget” or “cubelet” ice. This ice is softer on teeth and promotes hydration in patients who are unable to drink from standard cups. Its small size reduces the risk of choking and does not tear plastic when it is used in a cold compress. Additionally, the lower melting point allows it to be moldable and fit around a small and rigid area. SPECS Refrigeration offers these ice machines in Lubbock.


For patients who’ve recently undergone a procedure or hospitalization, physical therapy is often necessary. For post-operative pain or injuries, cold compresses can reduce pain and inflammation. In addition to cold compresses, some hospitals also utilize therapeutic ice baths. Ice baths help to promote circulation and decrease inflammation. Hospital ice baths require commercial machines, as they require more than 20 pounds of ice per bath. Hospitals also have cafeterias or food service centers where patients, staff, and visitors are able to get food, snacks, and beverages. In these cases, touchless equipment is useful in helping to control infection. Flake ice is often used to keep cold foods cold for longer and also to display food in buffet lines.


Hospitals are required by the FDA to regularly clean and sanitize ice machines in order to reduce the amount of bacteria spread, generally between two and four times a year. Commercial refrigeration technicians like the ones at SPECS Refrigeration in Lubbock can provide quick and thorough cleaning services as well as preventative maintenance that helps to prolong the life of your ice machine. 


SPECS Refrigeration has several do’s and don’ts when it comes to ice machines in hospitals: 

  • Do – choose the right size and model of machine that matches your facilities needs
  • Do – invest in a proper water filtration system to prevent mineral buildup
  • Do – come up with a maintenance plan that involves routine cleaning
  • Do not – buy a machine that is not right for your plumbing or local codes
  • Do not – place your machine in an area that is too hot or not well ventilated.


For all of your ice machine needs, contact SPECS Refrigeration. We have ice machines in Lubbock.